What is Acupuncture and How Does it Work
Acupuncture, an aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), has been practiced for thousands of years and is used worldwide. According to classical doctrines of Chinese Medicine, there is an unceasing flow of energy (Qi) throughout the human body. This vital energy originates from the major organs and flows along continuous circulatory channels in the body called meridians. When the energy flow is smooth and in balance, one is healthy; when an imbalance occurs, one feels ill or in pain.
Acupuncture treats such imbalances by inserting very thin, sterile, disposable needles into certain designated points along the body’s meridians to disperse blockages, mobilize immune response, regulate the organs and restore the delicate balance of the body. Due to the Western medical community’s increasing interest in Chinese Medicine, there is now solid scientific evidence confirming the effectiveness of this ancient healing art. Modern studies suggest that acupuncture works by activating a natural pain-suppression system in the brain, by increasing blood flow to vital organs, and by initiating innate immune responses within the body.
What Conditions can Chinese Medicine Treat
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine can effectively treat a wide variety of complaints and illnesses. Examples of conditions for which people seek acupuncture include:
- Digestive problems (IBS, acid reflux, colitis, constipation)
- Hormonal imbalances (PMS, menopause, thyroid, diabetes)
- Low energy/chronic fatigue
- Depression/anxiety
- Headaches/migraines
- Musculo-skeletal pain (back, neck, joints)
- Infertility
- Allergies
- Stress management
- Gynecological complaints
- Insomnia/sleep disorders
- Infections/colds/flus
- Viruses (herpes, hepatitis, HIV)
- Dermatological problems (eczema, acne)
- High/low blood pressure
- Sexual dysfunction/low libido
- Weight management
- Sports injuries
- Work-related injuries
- Withdrawal from addictions
- Side-effects of prescription drugs and medical therapies (ie: chemo)
Acupuncture, an aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), has been practiced for thousands of years and is used worldwide. According to classical doctrines of Chinese Medicine, there is an unceasing flow of energy (Qi) throughout the human body. This vital energy originates from the major organs and flows along continuous circulatory channels in the body called meridians. When the energy flow is smooth and in balance, one is healthy; when an imbalance occurs, one feels ill or in pain.
Acupuncture treats such imbalances by inserting very thin, sterile, disposable needles into certain designated points along the body’s meridians to disperse blockages, mobilize immune response, regulate the organs and restore the delicate balance of the body. Due to the Western medical community’s increasing interest in Chinese Medicine, there is now solid scientific evidence confirming the effectiveness of this ancient healing art. Modern studies suggest that acupuncture works by activating a natural pain-suppression system in the brain, by increasing blood flow to vital organs, and by initiating innate immune responses within the body.
What Conditions can Chinese Medicine Treat
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine can effectively treat a wide variety of complaints and illnesses. Examples of conditions for which people seek acupuncture include:
- Digestive problems (IBS, acid reflux, colitis, constipation)
- Hormonal imbalances (PMS, menopause, thyroid, diabetes)
- Low energy/chronic fatigue
- Depression/anxiety
- Headaches/migraines
- Musculo-skeletal pain (back, neck, joints)
- Infertility
- Allergies
- Stress management
- Gynecological complaints
- Insomnia/sleep disorders
- Infections/colds/flus
- Viruses (herpes, hepatitis, HIV)
- Dermatological problems (eczema, acne)
- High/low blood pressure
- Sexual dysfunction/low libido
- Weight management
- Sports injuries
- Work-related injuries
- Withdrawal from addictions
- Side-effects of prescription drugs and medical therapies (ie: chemo)